IUI Media
- Ideal recommended technique for all kind of semen samples.
- Density gradient medium with coated colloidal suspension of silica in HEPES buffered HTF medium.
- Concentrates motile sperms even in oligspermic/ assthenospermic samples.
- Effectively removes all contaminants.
- Yield contains mostly motile sperms, free from dead and abnormal sperms, round cells and debris.
- Least chance of sperm damage due to free oxygen radicals (ROS).
- Each kit contains 1x2 ml density gradient + 1x5 ml HTF.
Cryo-45% & Cryo 90%
- Ideal for contaminated samples.
- Kit for Double / Discontinuous Density Gradient
- Recommended for IVF use.
- Each Kit Contains 1x 1ml 45% + 1x1ml 90%
+ 1x 5ml HTF.
Cryo-HTF/Cryo HamF 10
Ideal for Swim up technique
HEPES buffered modified Human Tubal Fluid/ Ham F 10 medium.
Aliquoted for single use.
Each ampoule of 5ml Cryo HTF/ Cryo Ham F 10.
Advantage of Cryo Cell Media |
- Complete range of media including density gradient semen washes, and swim up techniques.
- No need for expensive CO2 incubators for IUI preparation as the media is HEPES Modified.
- Density gradient media for IVF use including double layer and multiple layer media containing silane – coated collidal silica.
- Single use hermetically sealed ampoule packing ensuring ease of use, Economical , No Possibility of cross contamination.
- Quality controlled : tests for Endotoxins, Sterility. Sperm Survival, pH, Osmolarity & Stability.
- Media prepared form tissue culture tested components.
- Phenol Red added as PH Change indicator.